I help women find their truth and reach their health and fitness goals for themselves and their families.
Helpful Fitness Tips
With the overwhelming amount of information out there it is hard to know what to listen to. At 4LifeFitness we believe that understanding the science behind your dietary intake and workouts is crucial to obtain sustainable results.

4Ways to Improve your Metabolism
The key to an efficient metabolism and sustained weight loss is not only the amount of calories you consume but more importantly the type and quality of those calories. Sure anyone can lose weight on a calorie restricted fad diet but how many of those people do you see maintaining that weight loss for lets say… 6months? How about a year or better yet five years? Yeah we all have "that friend" or know "that one girl" who has seemingly maintained that fad diet for years and supposedly loves it and looks pretty good. But do any of us REALLY know this girl? I would argue that either these girls don't exist or are genetically predisposed to being skinny. Take a deeper look at these women and I bet you will find that they have always been skinny regardless of their diet and probably don't partake in alcohol consumption. More importantly are these women really healthy?
But that's not you. You’re not genetically predisposed to be in perfect shape all the time and let's face it you more likely than not enjoy some of life's sinful pleasures. So what I have for you here is realistic critical elements to jump start your metabolism and keep you healthy and fit year in and year out. So let’s say goodbye to the same new years resolution that has failed oh so many times and say hello to your new lifestyle. I promise you will thank me :).
Eat high quality protein
What I am talking about here is protein from meat, fish, poultry, whey, eggs and nuts. The reason protein is so important is twofold. First off protein provides our body with the essential amino acids it needs to build new muscle and maintain current muscle. Since muscle is so metabolic increasing it is an excellent way to increase your metabolism at rest.
Secondly, just the process of eating protein increases thermogenesis . What this means is that protein takes more energy to break down than any of the other macronutrients with the same caloric value. In comparison to carbohydrates protein takes 20-30 percent of calories consumed to break it down while carbohydrates take a measly 5-15 percent. Eating the right amount of high quality protein is essential to keep your metabolism in high gear.
2. Cycle your Carbohydrates
If you really want to get your body into a fat burning state you must tap into your fat metabolism. One of the best ways to do just that is to cycle your carbohydrates. This will force your body to use fat for energy. The average American diet consists of mainly carbohydrates. With a high presence of carbohydrates (sugar) in the body at all times it is hard to get the body to break down fat for energy. By restricting the number of carbohydrates you consume and changing your macronutrient profile to contain a higher amount of protein you will prevent this overflow of glucose in your body, increasing the likelihood of lipoplysis (breakdown of fat) for energy. It is essential when carb cycling to keep your protein intake high, this will keep a steady amount of amino acids available for use preserving your hard earned muscle.
Plateaus are very common road blocks that many people run into. Carb cycling is a great way to prevent these plateaus. After approximately two weeks on a calorie restricted diet your appetite and metabolic hormones start to slow which puts fat loss on a major hold. By spiking your carbs hormones involved in increasing your metabolism are released and your metabolic rate increases drastically. It takes about three full days to get into a fat adaptive state, in which the rate of fat oxidization increases. For this reason try following a low carbohydrate diet for 4-6days followed by one day of high carbs. Low carb days your macronutrients should look as follows: 50% of your calories from protein, 10-20% of your calories from carbs and 30-40% of your calories from fat.
3. Eat good heart healthy fats.
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have been shown to increase fat oxidization, decrease fat storage, reduce hunger and improve body composition. Continuing, polyunsaturated fats have been known to increase lean muscle tissue mass which in turn will increase your basal metabolic rate and indirectly reduce total body fat. Due to their vasodilatory effect, eating 2-3g/day of polyunsaturated fats will promote nutrient delivery to muscles in turn decreasing their availability to be stored as fat.
4. Reduce inflammatory foods
If you weren’t aware, the fat you have hanging around on your body is not an innate object. Fat tissue pumps out inflammatory cytokines and hormones that can impair the function of insulin, leptin and block fat burning receptors. This results in the body becoming insensitive to insulin and leptin. As a result, the body can’t store or use the nutrients we put into it efficiently—not to mention the metabolism can become sluggish.
When the body can’t process food properly, this can result in excess sugar in the blood that forms glycated compounds, which are also inflammatory! Increased fat means greater inflammation and a further reduction in fat metabolism. One way to ensure we reduce inflammation in the body is to reduce dietary causes of inflammation. If you know you are sensitive to gluten, dairy or certain other foods, make an effort to reduce them from your diet. Also, reduce sugar and start eating more whole natural fresh foods including fruit and vegetables, which contain natural anti-inflammatory compounds including antioxidant vitamins and phytonutrients.
Buckley JD, Howe PRC. Long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids may be beneficial for reducing obesity – a review. Nutrients. 2010. 2(12): 1212-30.
Crovetti R, et al. The influence of thermic effect of food on satiety. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1998. 52(7): 482 – 8.
Oi-Kano Y, et al. Extra virgin olive oil increases UCP1 content in brown adipose tissue and enhances noradrenaline and adrenaline secretions in rats. J Nutr Biochem. 2007. 18(10): 685-92.
Poudyal H, Campbell F, Brown L. Olive leaf extract attenuates cardiac, hepatic, and metabolic changes in high carbohydrate-, high fat-fed rats. J Nutr. 2010. 140(5):946-53.

Conventional Steady State Cardio vs. HIIT
Steady State Cardio
1. Long sessions of steady state cardio has been found to decrease testosterone levels and deteriorate muscle tissue
2. The American Journal of Physiology found that steady-state cardio decreases the ability of muscles to absorb glucose after training
-This happens because cardio immobilizes the GLUT4 transport system, which is responsible for the insulin-regulated translocation of glucose into cells. Cardio further limits hypertrophy by shutting down the mTOR pathway, which is one of the primary regulators of muscle growth. When this happens, you burn the same amount of muscle as you do fat.
High Intensity Interval Training HIIT
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) describes any workout that alternates between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of less-intense activity or even complete rest.
1.The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research published recent work showing that HIIT can actually increase testosterone levels and GLUT4 concentration. Steady-state cardio, as I wrote earlier, has the exact opposite effect. Research has also shown that HIIT increases 24-hour mitochondrial biogenesis. This is the formation of new energy-producing mitochondria in cells, a process that typically shuts down mTOR during steady-state cardio.
2. HIIT sets off an increase in the concentration of myofibrillar nuclei. Hypertrophy depends on increases in this concentration, along with the content of your muscle fibers.
Benefits of HIIT
1. Excessive post oxygen consumption: EPOC: increases fat burn, a study done by Jeffrey W. King of East Tennessee State University showed that HIIT increases the resting metabolic rate for the following 24 hours
2. can help increase speed, power, endurance and metabolic rate, helping you burn fat faster
3. Research shows that you can achieve more progress 20 mins of HIIT done three times a week then steady state cardio done daily
4. Muscle is preserved by stimulating your Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by up to 450% during the 24 hours following a HIIT workout
-HGH is not only responsible for increased caloric burn but it also helps slow the aging process!!
5. NO equipment necessary: running, biking, jumping rope, skipping, jumping, jumping jacks, as well as a slew of ply metric movements are perfect for HIIT bc they get your heart rate up fast!
6. Can be done anywhere!! Just get your heart rate up for a period of time and rest for a period then repeat simple as that!
1. Make sure your diet is conducive with this very anaerobic workout
-without carbohydrates in your system you risk lean muscle loss from the intensity of the sessions, let alone you probably won't be able to finish your HIIT session without that glucose needed!!
2. DO your research and KNOW your goals everyone is different and HIIT may not be for everyone!
3. As with everything proper warm up and cool down are key!!! Make sure to listen to your body and PUSH IT TO THE LIMIT when you can!
Info obtained from: and

Common Fitness Beliefs Debunked
I want to go over a few common errors people make when working out:
-During any type of weight training or resistance exercise you put your body in a catabolic state (that is a state of muscle break down, essentially what you are doing when you do these things is tearing down the muscle fibers). Those broken down muscle fibers need time to enter an anabolic state (muscle building) which does NOT start until one of two things occur: you consume a meal with protein (a shake works great because the liquid source of protein is absorbed and used quickly) or you sleep (which rarely is possible after a good workout because of the rush of endorphins you get). This muscle rebuilding occurs for anywhere between 2 and 5 days. Which means you should not train any single muscle (this includes your abs ladies) more frequently then once every 5 days. This is why I do "splits". A "split" is just simply a term used to describe muscle groups worked out on the same day. So for example here was my split last week (and yes it CHANGES weekly, VARIATION is key to creating change in your body because your body is smart and adapts very quickly!!!)
-Sunday: Quads and Chest
-Monday: Shoulders, tris and bis
-Tuesday: hamstrings and calves
-Wednesday: chest and back
-Thursday: ABS
-Friday: Cardio only
-Saturday: Cardio only
2. DON'T lift TOO MUCH or you will get BULKY: LIE!!!!! Women do not have the amount of testosterone that men do so to build big bulky muscles, also women do not eat nearly enough to build muscles....all those pictures of female body builders you see that put the bad name out there for women and weight training spend a large portion of the year "bulking" this bulking period is one where they consume an extraordinary amount of calories in hopes to GAIN weight, they eat until they are uncomfortably full and eat crazy amounts of protein, For real female body builders they do this 7 months of the year for at least 4 years straight before they look like a man so unless your some incredible hulk person (which all of you that I know arent) it is SUPER DUPER hard to put on muscle. For that reason increasing the weight that you weight lift with is essential.
BENEFITS of lifting heavy (high weight low reps):
1. Increased metabolic rate: we should be able to stop right here because the faster your metabolism is the MORE you get to eat, trust me ITS true I completely changed my metabolism by weight training appropriately and lifting heavy!
-Lifting heavy weights causes tiny muscle tears which your body needs to repair, to repair it you expel energy (kcals) increasing your metabolism this increased metabolic rate does not ONLY occur during the weight lifting process (like kcals burnt during a cardio session) but it continues for at least 24 hours post workout....NOW doesn't that sound like a fabulous way to shed fat?! And think about it, if your doing it 4 days a week your metabolic rate is always going be higher meaning you will loose weight FASTER on the same caloric intake.
2. Muscle definition
- doing high rep low weight exercises that have been traditionally advertised for women does not require much exertion on your muscles part and therefore your muscles are not challenged, without being challenged muscles will not have to grow!!
3. Greater functional and overall strength
- muscle development means you can carry your own suitcase up the stairs without the help of your husband and even more importantly it will lead to less injuries during sports or other activities!!
Moral of the story, lift weight and lift heavy weight to gain muscle, increase your overall metabolic rate, decrease your body fat percentage and LOOK HOT!! Summers here, are you READY?!!!
***NOW I know not all of you are familiar with weight training what is crucial is warming up, be sure to use light weight and warm all your joints up and stretch before any workout routine
3. Doing a bunch of crunches will give you a six pack: complete LIE.... abs are honestly 90% diet and 10% crunches, until December I only did abs once a month and I had a six pack going on, I currently do them once a week but this is to get them more defined and I am working on getting an 8 pack (this is MY fitness goal by the end of this challenge).
4. HOURS of cardio are key to fat loss: AGAIN A LIE that has been told over and over to women, actually hours of cardio can actually make you gain fat.... and can cause ADRENAL FATIGUE SYNDROM....WHAT??? The key to fat loss is to work SMARTER not harder, meaning a variety of training techniques and one of the most efficient is HIIT (high intensity interval training). This type of workout varies high intensity intervals (HR at 80-90% of your max hr) with moderate to low intensity (50-60% of your max hr). This is done in a sense in the circuits I have been sending because you are varying a cardiovascular exercise with a large muscle group and then a small muscle group.

Carb Cycling
So how can I make sure my carb cycling diet works?
High carb days must be placed on your heavy training days. This for most people is leg day. The reason for doing this is simple - the body needs those carbohydrates the most on these days. Having them before you do the workout will help fuel you in the gym so you can work harder and push more weight, and then having the influx of carbohydrates after the workout session will help saturate the muscles with carbohydrate storage (muscle glycogen) and aid with recovery. Since you want all these carbohydrates to be put to best use on this diet, and have the least likely chance of turning into body fat, this means timing them correctly throughout your week.
Second up on the list of 'musts' that you need to know, and be prepared for, is that you will very likely experience some water weight gain when doing the higher carbohydrate day. For every gram of carbohydrate you take into the body, you'll store four grams of water with this. If you're eating 200-300 grams of carbohydrates on those high carb days, this adds up very quickly.
Those who are leaner tend to experience this effect the greatest because at that point, any water weight gain is highly noticeable. Try not to let yourself get too alarmed over this. It's a normal process and is not fat gain. Within a day back on your regular low-carbohydrate plan you should notice this recede.
If you're someone who really struggles psychologically with weight fluctuations (and how you appear in the mirror), this very well could mean carbohydrate cycling is not for you. It is a side effect of this type of plan, and therefore something for which you must absolutely prepare yourself.
3 / Choose Carbohydrates Highest In Glucose Or Complex Carbs
When it comes to food selection while performing a carb cycling fat-loss diet, you want to think glucose. Either simple glucose sources (preferably around the workout period when they are absorbed quickest) or complex carbohydrates that will break down into glucose.
What you want to avoid here is fructose (such as ), as this type of carbohydrate will behave differently in the body and won't have the same benefits as glucose does. If you were to intake a large amount of fructose on your high carbohydrate days, there is a much greater chance some of this may get converted into body fat gains since it won't get stored in the muscles as readily.
4 / Decrease Fat Intake On High Carbohydrate Days
Another important thing to remember as you go about your carb cycling diet is that you should also be decreasing your overall dietary fat intake on days you go high carb. It is normal for most people to increase their overall calories on the high carb day (to boost the carb intake that much higher) but by lowering the fat intake, you allow more room for those carbohydrates without going really crazy with your calorie level.
Ideally, stay within 300-600 calories of your low carbohydrate day intake to prevent the excess calories from canceling out the fat loss for the week unless you are specifically planning to have very low calorie, low carb days (see the example below).
5 / Maintain Your Target Weekly Calorie Level For Fat Loss
The fifth fact to know about carbohydrate cycling, linked to the point above, is that your total weekly calorie intake must remain at what is necessary for overall fat loss. Let's look at an example.
Let's say that you currently maintain your body weight at 2200 calories per day or, 15,400 calories per week. This means to lose one pound per week, you must create a calorie deficit (per week) of 3500 calories, or take in just 11,900 calories.
On a standard diet where you maintain the same calorie level on all seven days, this would mean you take in 1700 calories per day (2200-500=1700).
Now, since you are carbohydrate cycling and want your high carbohydrate days to have more calories, you're going to get a little more fancy with the math.
Let's say you actually want your high carbohydrate days to be above maintenance (to really boost the benefits that this diet has to offer), and plan to have three high carbohydrate days.
Let's set those three days at a calorie intake of 2400 (keep in mind protein should stay constant throughout the whole week).
Now, since those three days equate to 7200 calories, this means you have 4700 calories left over for the remaining four days, or about 1200 calories each.
As you can see, those low carbohydrate days are quite low in calories, however, after coming off the higher carbohydrate day most people find this to not be a struggle.
If you'd prefer not to bring your low carbohydrate days that low in overall calories, simply adjust the total calorie intake on the high carbohydrate days slightly downwards. That will give you more calories for those low carb days. For example, you might do three high carbohydrate days at 2000 calories and four low carbohydrate days at 1500. As you can see, this stays within the 300-600 range better that was described in the point above.
It's all about balance - make sure your weekly intake is where it needs to be and distribute the calories from there based on your set-up preferences.
So there you have it -- all the information you need to know to get started with carbohydrate cycling. It does tend to be a superior form of diet for those who are really looking to maintain workout performance and prevent weight loss plateaus from occurring.
Just keep in mind that it will require more planning from a meal perspective to make sure you're following the intakes you have set, so dedicate a little more time out of your day to this.