I help women find their truth and reach their health and fitness goals for themselves and their families.
Ron has been into being physically fit his entire life. He always loved playing sports and began weight training with his neighbor at the age of 14. He competed in ametaur body building and strongman competitions when he was in his early twenties. He has made fitness his lifestyle and has helped a variety of clients transform their lives for over twelve years.
Personal Training Philosophy: In order to function in life effectively you must train functionally. You cannot have a strong body without having a strong core.
At 4LifeFitness we take pride in our Personal Training. We make sure you are getting all the tools, support and motivation you need to reach your goals. You will experience this dedication before you start your first session, during every session and between every session. Your training experience will be unlike anything you have ever experience. It is our promise that you will receive the service, commitment to your goals, attention to detail and professionalism you should expect. Our goal is to put you in a position where you have the knowledge and ability to maintain and design a program yourself that is sustainable for the rest of your life.
We Take The Time To Get To Know You.
Before starting any program it is crucial for us to get to know you. This program is about YOU. YOUR goals, YOUR likes and dislikes, YOUR unique lifestyle. We will sit down and determine the best approach for YOU. Our goal is to make sure you stay engaged and motivated throughout your time with us.
We also want to make sure that the program fits your physical condition as well. Before starting any program, your trainer will put you through a comprehensive evaluation to identify any physical limitations, restrictions or asymmetries, that may lead to injury or that may already be causing you issues. We pay extremely close attention to your body and take every possible measure to make sure you are not pushing yourself beyond what your body is physically ready for.
We Help You Set Realistic Goals and Expectations and Rewards For Reaching Those Goals
Goal setting is one of the most important aspects of your program. Goals should be challenging enough to keep you motivating but not so far out of reach where you eventually begin to feel discouraged. They should also be very specific and measurable. Your trainer will work with you to set short and long term goals that set you up for success.
We would love to help you
Contact 4LifeFitness

Lisa has always been an active person but until 2009 she never quite got it right. After meeting Ron and learning proper training and nutrition techniques there has been no looking back. Coming from a transformation herself (not only physically but entire lifestyle) she is now eager to help others create happier healthier lifestyles.
Our lives are increasingly sedentary. Whether the culprit is an injury, the birth of a child, or simply the aging process, being out of shape puts your health at risk – exactly the reason you should use the services of a health club.
Unfortunately, people who are out of shape are often intimidated by “fit” exercisers – exactly the people you find using the services of a health club.
We promise that you won’t feel intimidated here - we love new exercisers! Our private training studio and small group fitness classes were created to help “newbie” exercisers find their way to good health and strong bodies. We also know that accountability and motivation are strong predictors of success for getting started and staying on track, and at 4LifeFitness we provide both.
Feeling good about yourself creates a “bring-it-on” attitude. Lose the intimidation, gain the confidence, change your attitude - and change your life.